Oak Island Forum
- "UFO-Alien-Conspiracy" News. Eyepod.Org... The Alien Chronicles. Extraterrestrials, UFOs, &The U.S. Government...
- Search this site by clicking the eyepod button below..Or scroll down for Index CURRENT MOONmoon phase info Send your own videos and email us at Director@Eyepod..We will review your film and may do a ...
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- Atlantis Rising Magazine Back Issues...
- Past issue archives and current info on Atlantis, ancient mysteries, alternative science, UFOs, free energy, Egypt and the Pyramids and many New Age topics....
242 pages found, 129 links found, 1115 score http://atlantisrising.com
- Billy Meier Home Page...
- An official, English language website on the Billy Meier UFO contacts with the Pleiadians....
10 pages found, 4 links found, 458 score http://www.billymeier.com
- Boomslanger.com...
- Performance and upgrades Capri.Outlaw Trail, Moon, Apollo, UFO, Satellite, Bases, Telescope...
33 pages found, 17 links found, 219 score http://www.boomslanger.com
- Center for UFO Studies...
- UFO Education and Research...
56 pages found, 36 links found, 2000 score http://www.cufos.org
- Mutual UFO Network - MUFON - Dedicated to Scientific Study of UFOs...
- The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is the world's largest civilian UFO scientific reseach organization. We are dedicated to the scientific stufy of UFOs for the benefit of humankind." title Mutual UFO Network - MUFON - Dedicated to Scientific Study of UFOs title script language="JavaScript...
85 pages found, 41 links found, 445 score http://www.MUFON.com
- National UFO Center by George Filer...
- Official Website Of The Filer's Research Institute and The Filer's Files...
39 pages found, 3 links found, 260 score http://www.nationalufocenter.com
- Out of Time Radio :: UFO Radio Talk Paranormal Alien Abductions ET Ghosts Photo (News)...
- UFO Radio Talk Paranormal Alien Abductions ET Ghosts Photo...
148 pages found, 19 links found, 667 score http://www.outoftimeradio.org
- The Anomalist is a print and web journal exploring the mysteries of science, history, and nature, including UFOs and the paranormal. Features The Anomalist Newsline....
125 pages found, 135 links found, 293 score http://www.anomalist.com
- The Fund for UFO Research...
- Contents About FUFOR News Introduction to the Subject Classic UFO Cases Submit a UFO Report Links FUFOR Store Fall 2005 Publications New Publication by Richard Hall, July 2006 Email FUFOR JavaScript ...
45 pages found, 18 links found, 330 score http://www.fufor.com
- The Supernatural World :: Supernatural, Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomena...
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2 pages found, 22 links found, 2748 score http://www.para-normal.co.uk
- The Virtually Strange Network...
- The Virtually Strange Network has regular news from UFO researchers. There is also information on UFO Sightings, Organizations, Magazines, Newsletters, Conferences, Lecturers, UFO Books, UFO Museums, Space and Astronomy News and much more." meta name="keywords" content="ufos, ufo info, ufo roundup, ufo sightings, roswell, flying saucer, extraterrestial, et, extra-terrestial, aliens, alien, mars, crop circles, gray, groom lake, ufo research, ufo news, ufo organizations, paranormal, ufo reports, unidentified flying objects, abductions, area 51, ufology, men in black" TITLE The Virtually Strange Network TITLE !--Adobe(R) LiveMotion(TM) 1.0 Generated JavaScript. Please do not edit. -- script !-- function newImage(arg) { if (document.images) { rslt = new Image(); rslt.src = arg; return rslt; } } ImageArray = new Array; var preloadFlag = false; function preloadImages() { if (document.images) { ImageArray[ImageArray.length++] = newImage( *URL* 'images indexabdu...
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- UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal on our website, newsletter and newsfeed....
- UFO Digest searches the Internet for proof of ufos and the paranormal and publishes videos, in depth interviews and insightful articles on a variety of unexplainable phenomenon. We also have regular contributors: Dennis G. Balthaser, Cristoforo Barbato, Larry W. Bryant, Peter Farley, Glenn Kimball and Dirk Vander Ploeg. ufo Digest is also home to the only ufo and paranormal newsletter published since 2000, plus the ever popular ufo Digest Newsfeed!...
353 pages found, 46 links found, 971 score http://ufodigest.com
- UFO Evidence...
- UFO Evidence is one of the Internet's largest sources of quality research and information on the UFO phenomenon, with over 1,700 articles, documents and resources....
263 pages found, 4 links found, 253 score http://www.ufoevidence.org
- UFO Mystery...
- UFO Mystery UFO UFOS Aliens ET Alien Abduction Encounters Crop Circles Roswell, NM More about UFO Mystery Alien-UFOs.com UFO Mystery See UFO photographs and find information on Area 51, Roswell...
26 pages found, 6 links found, 369 score http://www.UFOMYSTERY.COM
- UFO Seek! The UFO Paranormal Search Engine, News, forums...
- UFOSeek is an excellent source of information to study UFO and Paranormal subjects. Paranormal UFO News, forums. Report UFO or Paranormal sighting. Share your UFO paranormal images." meta name="keywords" content="UFO,UFOs,paranormal, ET, flying saucer,Aliens,AntiGravity,Astrology,Astronomy,ufo News,Paranormal Publications,Parapsychology,Spirituality,UFOlogists,Witchcraft,World War III" !-- UFO,aliens,alien,ufos, ufo, roswell,Area 51,paranormal, ET, flying saucer -- link type="text css" rel="stylesheet" href="http: www.ufoseek.com images luna luna.css" meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text html; charset=ISO-8859-1" meta name="robots" content="noodp...
268 pages found, 14 links found, 494 score http://www.ufoseek.com
- UFO Skeptic...
- An information site on the UFO phenomenon by and for professional scientists...
37 pages found, 13 links found, 766 score http://www.ufoskeptic.org
- UFOINFO has regular news from UFO Roundup, Filer's Files, AUFORN, Oz Files. Material is archived on the site for research purposes. There is also information on UFO Sightings, Organizations, Magazines, Newsletters, Conferences, Lecturers, UFO Books, UFO Museums, Space and Astronomy News and much more." meta name="keywords" content="ufos, ufoinfo, ufo info, ufo roundup, ufo sightings, roswell, flying saucer, extraterrestial, et, extra-terrestial, aliens, alien, mars, crop circles, gray, groom lake, magonia database, ufo research, ufo news, ufo organizations, paranormal, ufo reports, unidentified flying objects, abductions, area 51, ufology, men in black" link rel="stylesheet" type="text css" href="sinorca-screen.css" media="screen" title="Sinorca (screen)" link rel="stylesheet" type="text css" href="sinorca-print.css" media="print" title UFOINFO title head body !-- NeoWORX visitor tracker ... DO NOT DELETE if you are using a NeoWORX tool -- script languag...
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- Ufopsi, the encyclopedia about UFOs and the paranormal...
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- UFOS OVER PHOENIX.COM Jeff Willes, Phoenix Arizonas first andArizonas original ufo hunter to be featuredon a new nation wide ufo TV special. More coming soon. NFO UFO VIDEO INVESTIGATION: COVERING AR...
72 pages found, 34 links found, 517 score http://ufosoverphoenix.com
More about Oak IslandA young man named Daniel McGinnis, 16, was exploring the island in 1795 and stumbled upon a strange depression in the sod beneath some oak trees. He began digging and, with the help of a couple other friends (John Smith, age 19 and Anthony Vaughan, age 16,) the three boys began using picks and shovels and having grand visions of pirate treasure. Four feet down they found a layer of flagstones not native to the area. Then ten feet further down they found a platform of oak logs closely set together, embedded in the walls of the shaft. Now being certain that they had stumbled upon a long-lost pirate's treasure trove they dug furiously. However, below the oak platform they found only more earth. At a depth of 20 feet they came across yet another oak platform, and then again, another at 30 feet. By this time the pit was so deep that the boys could not easily remove the logs. Discouraged by weeks of fruitless digging, the young treasure hunters abandoned the project. But they did not forget. The boys never found anything of worth except more and more mysterious circumstances. They involved more people and investors and over the centuries many other individuals and companies have drilled to depths of hundreds of feet and found nothing except more materials that do not belong hundreds of feet below the earth in Nova Scotia, Canada (like a flagstone with foreign letters carved into the top, oak, coconut fiber, putty, iron, even a torn piece of parchment with the letters "v" and "i" written on it.) Certainly a world class mystery. It is very interesting and I have found much more about it here. Now that you have some background on it, I want to bring up something new. For many years, the flagstone (stone tablet found 90 feet down in the pit) was thought to be translated into something like: "40 feet below 2 million pounds (GBP) are buried."
More about the new
translation for the
click for larger
version of cross section
But now, there are other ideas about this translation. Read below: |
![]() In an email to us, Ranville says: "the forty symbols explain about a Island two Islands east of Oak Island called Birch Island, on the north end of birch Island the impression of a triangle is there. It takes more than half of the Island. You can see the triangle |
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from Google satellite (Google Earth from which we obtained these photos), the triangles that were inscribed on the stone tablet refer to the triangle on Birch Island the rest of the symbols are engineering instructions or explain what goes on in the triangle area on Birch Island there is something of great heritage value there that will interest everyone. " |
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